LG G6 Power Button Not Working How To Fix

LG G6 Power Button Not Working How To Fix

Are you experiencing issues with the power button on your LG G6? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many LG G6 users have encountered problems with their power buttons, which can be frustrating and inconvenient. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the possible causes of the power button malfunction and provide you with troubleshooting solutions to help you fix this issue.

Common Symptoms of Power Button Malfunction

Before we dive into the troubleshooting solutions, let’s first identify the common symptoms of a faulty power button on the LG G6. If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, it’s likely that your power button is not working properly:

  1. The power button is unresponsive and does not turn on the device.
  2. The power button is unresponsive and does not turn off the device.
  3. The power button works intermittently, making it difficult to power on or off the device.
  4. The power button feels stuck or loose when pressed.

Now that we know the signs of a faulty power button, let’s explore the possible causes and solutions.

Possible Causes of Power Button Not Working

There can be several reasons why your LG G6 power button is not working as expected. Here are some common causes:

1. Software Glitch

Sometimes, a simple software glitch can cause the power button to malfunction. The software may not be responding properly, leading to unresponsiveness or intermittent functionality of the power button.

2. Battery Issue

Another possible cause of the power button malfunction is a faulty battery. If your battery is not providing enough power or is not properly connected, it can affect the functionality of the power button.

3. Physical Damage

Physical damage to the power button or the surrounding area can also lead to its malfunction. Dropping the device or exposing it to water or other liquids can cause damage to the internal components, including the power button.

4. Loose Connection

In some cases, the power button may not be properly connected to the device’s motherboard. This can result in an unresponsive or loose power button.

Now that we have identified the possible causes, let’s move on to the troubleshooting solutions.

Troubleshooting Solutions

Solution 1: Restart Your Device

One of the simplest and most effective troubleshooting steps is to restart your LG G6. This can help resolve minor software glitches that may be causing the power button issue. To restart your device, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the volume down button and the power button simultaneously until the LG logo appears on the screen.
  2. Release both buttons and allow the device to restart.

Solution 2: Charge Your Device

If your LG G6 has a low battery, it may not have enough power to properly respond to the power button. Try charging your device for at least 30 minutes and then attempt to power it on using the power button.

Solution 3: Check the Battery

If your device does not respond to the power button even after charging, it’s possible that the battery is faulty. In this case, you may need to replace the battery. Visit an authorized service center or contact LG support for assistance.

Solution 4: Perform a Soft Reset

Performing a soft reset can help resolve any temporary software issues that may be affecting the power button. To perform a soft reset on your LG G6, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the volume down button and the power button simultaneously until the device vibrates and restarts.
  2. Release both buttons and allow the device to restart.

Solution 5: Check for Physical Damage

Inspect your LG G6 for any physical damage, such as cracks or water damage, that may be affecting the power button. If you find any damage, it’s recommended to visit an authorized service center for repair or replacement.

Solution 6: Contact LG Support

If none of the above solutions work, it’s best to reach out to LG support for further assistance. They can guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or provide information on repair options.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to back up your data before attempting any troubleshooting steps or contacting support.


Dealing with a malfunctioning power button on your LG G6 can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can resolve the issue. In this guide, we explored the common causes of a power button malfunction and provided you with effective solutions to fix the problem. If you’re still experiencing difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from LG support or an authorized service center.

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